Entry Requirements

Grade 4 in GCSE PE or Grade 4 in GCSE Biology

Alongside the entry requirements for each course, you will also need to achieve the minimum Sixth Form entry requirements.


External Assessment: 50% of BTEC
Internal Assessment: 50% of BTEC

Next Steps

Learners develop the transferable and higher order skills that are valued by higher education providers and employers.

BTEC in Sport

The BTEC Sport course covers the core elements of sporting performance and excellence such as; Anatomy, Physiology, Coaching, Psychology and Analysis. The course will suit those wanting to enter employment in the sports industry as a sports coache, physio, sports scientist or for those wishing to progress to higher education to study a sport-related degree such as coaching, sports therapy or sports science.

Ready to Apply?

Course Content

Unit 1: Anatomy & Physiology

You will investigate the structure and function of the body and how the different systems combine when we participate in physical exercise. Look at the differences between the short and long term impact of participation. This unit covers the muscular –skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and the energy systems.

Unit 2: Fitness Training & Programming for Health, Sport & Well-Being

Explore how lifestyle factors (alcohol, smoking, levels of physical activity, stress and diet) have an effect our health. You will develop an understanding of nutritional needs and training methods linked in to a number of individual sporting demands.

Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry

Students explore the career and job opportunities within the sports industry and create a skill development action plan. Recruitment processes are researched for an area of interest, leading to completion of job applications and interviews.

Optional Units

  • Sports Leadership
  • Application of Fitness Testing
  • Sports Psychology
  • Practical Sports Performance

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Hornsea Sixth Form


HU18 1DW


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