Inclusivity is at the heart of HSLC's ethos and culture. Teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every pupil matters. HSLC will strive to provide an inclusive curriculum, which will meet the needs of all its pupils including those with disabilities, those with medical needs, those with special educational needs and disabilities and/or complex needs and those from all cultural backgrounds, with a dedicated team of Inclusion practitioners who will champion our vulnerable pupils. Any barriers to learning and participation will be challenged and, where possible, removed and all pupils will be provided with equality of opportunity.
Support for safeguarding and child protection are a key part of the HSLC school wide Inclusion structure, and play a central role in ensuring all pupils feel safe, happy and settled, ready to engage with learning.
Good behaviour is based on mutual respect and is fundamental in promoting a culture of high expectation and achievement. It directly affects our ability to succeed as individuals and as a school within our community and supports the HSLC commitment to inclusivity.
Positive Discipline is underpinned by the notion of rights and responsibilities. Every member of our school community has the right to be valued, the right to be safe and the right to have the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability. Discriminatory behaviour in any form will not be tolerated, nor will inappropriate interpersonal physical contact or the use of language that is inappropriate, offensive, intimidatory or prejudicial. Pupils are aware of the need to share concerns and how to do this to allow any such issues to be addressed.
Every member of the school community also has the responsibility to value others, to keep everyone safe from harm and to allow others to work and achieve.
Good behaviour is crucial to all aspects of school life. We all have the responsibility to behave appropriately towards others.
The Positive Discipline structure continues to be centred on four very simple concepts:
HSLC is committed to an inclusive approach to supporting diversity, engagement with learning and academic progress, personal development and student well-being. We believe that creating a vibrant learning community where students have a clear sense of belonging; feel valued; safe; happy and settled, is key to achieving the best outcomes. As a school we are committed to working in partnership to achieve this, with Parents / Carers and our partner agencies that are able to offer support.
HSLC is a mainstream secondary school; an educationally inclusive school where the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every pupil matters. HSLC will strive to provide an inclusive curriculum, which will meet the needs of all its pupils including those with disabilities, those with medical needs, those with special educational and/or complex needs and those from all cultural backgrounds. Any barriers to learning and participation will be challenged and, where possible, removed and all pupils will be provided with equality of opportunity.
HSLC firmly believes in developing a strong partnership with parents/carers and that this will enable all children and young people to achieve their potential. The school recognises that parents/carers have a unique overview of the child’s needs and how best to support him/her, and that this gives them a key role in the partnership.
Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class. The majority of young people will have their needs met through normal classroom arrangements and quality first teaching - full time education in classes, with support by the subject teacher through a differentiated curriculum, if necessary. Class teachers are responsible for ensuring that lessons are well-planned, yet flexible and adaptable, and that prior knowledge/learning informs planning.
Some children and young people may require different types of support, such as in class support from a Teaching Assistant, where appropriate, or withdrawal to work in a small group or one to one away from the classroom (at times). Others may require a different approach to teaching and learning, such as a Nurture Group (Y7, Y8 and Y9) or Personalised Pathway (Y10 and Y11) provision.
The individual needs of each child/young person will be assessed to identify the most appropriate approach to supporting their special educational needs. This assessment will be ongoing and the support adapted as progress is made, where appropriate.
These four broad areas give an overview of the range of needs that HSLC plan for. The purpose of identification is to work out what action the school needs to take, not to fit a pupil into a category. In practice, individual children or young people often have needs that cut across all these areas and their needs may change over time.
HSLC currently works in partnership with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to provide an Enhanced Resource Provision (ERP) for young people with Autistic Spectrum Condition. Working with the Local Authority the ERP aims to remove barriers to achievement and narrow the gap so that everyone can reach their potential. The ERP aims to provide a socially inclusive education system that attempts to engage those children and young people whose needs cannot be met through mainstream provision, aiming to:
The HSLC ERP works collaboratively with the ERYC SEN Team to identify whether the provision is able to meet the needs of an identified young person with an EHC Plan. Initial applications for placement at the ERP will be made via the ERYC SEN Panel through the EHC Assessment process or the Annual Review process. The HSLC ERP will only be able to give consideration to a consultation once all up to date information is available so fully informed decision making can take place. If space is available, a discussion will take place to ensure that the ERP can meet the child’s special educational needs and that the allocation of a place would also be compatible with the efficient education of the other children with whom the child is to be educated. Parents/Carers are not able to make a direct application to the HSLC ERP. Further information is available on the ERYC Local Offer website
Good attendance at school is not just valuable, it is essential, and we know that going to school is directly linked to improved exam performance which should in turn lead to further learning opportunities and better job prospects. As well as this, going to school helps to develop friendships, social skills, team values, life skills, cultural awareness and career pathways as well as providing fantastic extra curricular activities. Achieving 90 per cent in an exam or test is a fantastic result but if your child is at school for only 90 per cent of the school year then they will have missed 19 days - almost four whole weeks of school.
We know that there are times when you child will be unable to attend school, for example a medical, health or dental appointment, however, our hope is that by working in partnership with families and pupils, minimising missed school days, we can achieve strong, consistent attendance towards the best possible outcomes for your child at the end of their time at HSLC.
If you feel you would benefit from support in respect of attendance, in the first instance, please can you contact the Attendance Team who can talk through your concerns and offer advice, guidance and strategies to help.
A charity dedicated to preventing abuse, and helping support children and families.
A charity that protects, supports and nurtures the UK's most vulnerable children.
A charity that works to support young people facing abuse, exploitation and neglect.
A free, private and confidential service where young people can talk about anything. Available online and on the phone.
Support and information regarding Drugs & Alcohol.
A National agency that aims to help protect children and young people from online abuse.
Email address for LOLLIPOP. Lollipop are an East Riding based group that offer LGBTQ social and emotional support
Support for gender-diverse children, young people and their families.
Local support for those who identify as LGBTQ
Charity supporting children and young people with their mental health.