Grade 6 in GCSE English Language and in GCSE English Literature
Alongside the entry requirements for each course, you will also need to achieve the minimum Sixth Form entry requirements.
2 x External Exams: 80% of A-Level
Coursework Tasks: 20% of A-Level
Next Steps
An A-Level in English Language can lead variety of different study options and careers. It would be useful in pursuing routes such as Speech Therapy, Journalism and Publishing.
Overall, it is a useful and well-respected subject that will prepare you for any degree subject.
A-Level in English Language
Studying English Language at A-Level will give you the opportunity to think about language as it is used, by real people, in the real world. It’s a fascinating subject area that is refreshingly different from anything you will have studied in GCSE English.
Introduces students to the basic ‘toolkit’ of language study: exploring textual variety through a range of methods of language analysis and considering the effect of lexical choices and grammatical features through short written texts.
Writing About a Topical Issue
Gives you the opportunity to engage with ideas and attitudes around language and its use, critically evaluating and responding to topics. You will present your ideas through short pieces of original writing.
Comparing and Contrastic Texts
Enables you to add to your ‘toolkit’ of language levels through analysis and comparison of spoken and written communication including the individual and social varieties of English, and British dialects.
Language in the Media
Introduces you to relevant theories of language and power, language and gender, or language and technology in exploring multi-modal media texts.
Year 13
Child Language Acquisition
Allows you to explore how children learn to speak, and how they are able to understand and express themselves through language.
Language Change
Considers the historical variations in English from c. 1700 to present day. You will understand how English language has developed and changed over time through analysis of a wide range of texts and genres.
An Independent Investigation of Language
This element of the course is assessed as coursework and allows students to explore and analyse language data independently. You will conduct your own individual research into a language topic of your choice, as well as producing an ‘academic poster’ as a way to communicate the complex ideas and findings of your investigation in an accessible, concise and visual way.