Entry Requirements

GCSE Computing

GCSE Maths at Grade 6 or above

Alongside the entry requirements for each course, you will also need to achieve the minimum Sixth Form entry requirements.


Portfolio Work & 1 x External Examination (100%)

Next Steps

Studying Computing can lead to a wide array of careers, including App Development and System Analysis.

A-Level in Computing

This course has been designed to allow students to familiarise themselves with the subject knowledge and skills in computer science and computer systems, enabling learners to progress to further study of the sector or other computing related sectors.

Ready to Apply?

Course Content

Year 12

Unit 2: Fundamentals of a Computer System

Explore the relationship between hardware and software as part of a computer system. You will examine the way computer components work both individually and together to store and process data, and the way in which data is transmitted and used in computer systems.

Unit 7: IT Systems Security and Encryption

Investigate the many different types of security attacks, the vulnerabilities that exist and techniques that can be used to defend the IT systems of organisations. You will learn about the complexities of configuring and supporting these networks. You will also explore how encryption can be used to protect data.

Year 13

Unit 15: Website Development

You will review existing websites commenting on their overall design and effectiveness. You will use scripting languages such as Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript® and a simple text editor, or rapid application development tools. Finally, you will reflect on the website design and functionality using a testing and review process.

Unit 1: Principles of Computer Science

Explore the logical and structured ways that computer systems process data to develop programs, processes and systems that solve specific problems. You will examine the features of effective computer programming and apply accepted computing and programming paradigms

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Hornsea Sixth Form


HU18 1DW


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